Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prop 8

Can you actually believe there's someone on a gay web site that voted Yes on Prop 8? Talk about a total identity crisis. This is for you whom I will not mention. I feel you deserve no pleasure from your name slipping through my fingers onto these keys I press to speak my thoughts. I will not "Hate" you because hate is a form of discrimination which you've already taken pride in committing such act. But I will tell you this, love will prevail and we will have justice. Love.Does.Conquer.ALL!

And if you voted Yes because you believed that it would be required to teach our young about Gay Marriage in school, then you're ignorant. Forgive me for saying so, but I find no other word that shall fit an uneducated person such as yourself. Had you done the research, you would know the FACTS and not the RUMORS and Advertising. This type of act is why I believe there should be some sort of psychological testing before we, as people, are allowed to vote for anything. Propaganda is what this Country feeds of off as it hides her real diversity beneath the shadows. I can not tell you how sickening to my stomach it makes me to witness the same discrimination amongst us blacks that took place with our ancestors happening, yet, once again in a different form.

I've taking so long to write about this because I wanted to see what everyone else was saying, as well as me gathering the right words to express how deeply I feel about the situation. I, at first, wanted to come out with all the "fcUk you's; B*tch's; etc. etc." But I quickly realized that by doing such a thing I would have put myself right on the map with the rest of "them." With this being said.. I still don't believe I can find the right words (other than what I've already said) to describe the emotions that have bestowed upon me since this tragic incident.

I've attached some video's, enjoy!

After everything above took place, it was hard to be happy for this:

I thought America was ready for that "Change," but clearly I was mistaken. America, I'm begining to believe that it's not us, Homosexuals, who are in the closet. But it is you who hide behind closed doors and darkness. I pray for you, one day you shall have your light shined upon you. One Day!

Thank you for reading my thoughts.
[had to use the Gov't for this!]

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