Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Experience of Recovery

To all,

The other day I sat in on an AA/NA meeting with my Mom where she spoke at and it gave me a great idea. Listening to her story and the story of others, I felt inspired. If you are or know someone who is in Recovery, I'm sure they will tell you that it helps to continuously go to these meetings and hear others share their story. It's like a constant reminder of why they are alive.

With that being said, I'd like to collect stories from people around the world and possibly do something that will allow me to share their successful stories with others. So, if you know someone who would love to share their story, please have them email me at:

I'm excited to do this and I hope that every one is just as excited to read the stories and experiences of others as well.

Thank You,

Brandi Lewis

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